A year ago today, we met a dog in our driveway…. we had heard him crying throughout the night, and were surprised that he was still in our yard the next morning. After spending the morning hours on facebook asking people what we should do (take him to a vet to see if he has a microchip, put a listing on pet FBI, call the humane society, post a found alert on craigslist, etc) we started falling in love with the dog. “What’s his name?” I asked Adam. We both thought we’d be spending only a couple hours with him and Adam was thinking his folks were probably wondering, Oh brother where art thou? so he replied with “Clooney.” A year later, this guy has made two humans who were totally not ready for a dog, so very happy. We are excited to come home, snuggle, give and get kisses and see the world through his puppy dog eyes. So that was the unexpected part of last July.
The babies we were planning to adopt were a group of six one-day old chicks. We drove down to Cincinnati the day after we found Clooney to get them, so that means their hatch-day is the same day we found Clooney.
What better way to celebrate than to ask my friends at MStyle to style the party. On a normal day, when we’re enjoying a meal around the table with friends, we can’t keep the chickens off the table. When we had the party for them and wanted them to come up, they wouldn’t. Isn’t that how it always goes? Enjoy the party!
This is where our chickens perch and sleep every night. Sometimes neighbors will come up and say goodnight to them, it’s the cutest thing ever.
I thought that the crowns Michelle made were the coolest ever, since we couldn’t get the chickens on board with wearing them, we as the guests found it appropriate to wear them ourselves.
barehl birthday party! from rachel joy baransi on Vimeo.
Thank you so much to Michelle for making my vision a reality, bringing your beautiful colorful glass pieces, confetti, balloons, metallic flare and your excitement for our babies birthday! Let’s always create events together!