
Over the holidays, Adam and I spent time in Cleveland with his family. We knew his dear Grandma Kay didn’t have much time left and wanted to be by her side as much as we could–telling her reasons we loved her, sharing stories of current events and fond memories, hoping to bring some joy to her last days, even if she couldn’t respond. My favorite thing about her is the first time I met her, this little tiny lady, she grabbed a hold of my giant 6’5” husband and said to me, “Now this is my little baby. You take good care of him.”

On Christmas Day, after a few hours at hospice with Grandma, we honored her 93 years by eating dinner at her favorite Chinese buffet.christmas1005christmas1011christmas1013christmas1014christmas1015christmas1017christmas1018christmas1025christmas1019christmas1022christmas1021christmas1023christmas1024christmas1026christmas1027christmas1029christmas1030christmas1031christmas1036christmas1032christmas1034christmas1035


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