Dating can feel really complicated and exhausting.
You’re ready for depth, a soulful connection with someone who also wants a long term, committed relationship. Someone to do boring things with, forever.
But maybe it’s been a while since you’ve put yourself out there. Maybe you’re busy. You have high standards and not enough time to spend all day swiping, going on terrible first dates, or getting ghosted.
Your person is out here, and I want to help you find them.
I’m Rachel (she/her), your dating doula.
Based out of Columbus, OH, I help humans of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations navigate and thrive in the modern dating world.

We love love! This newsletter for everyone, single or not. You'll get date ideas, invitations to participate in collaborative projects, and the chance to help me search for matches.

I started my life as an innately hospitable only child, planning camps for kids a few years younger than me & sewing rice bags which my mom sold to her friends at work. I spent my teens and twenties learning how to notice people’s needs at our family’s restaurant and help them feel seen. At 18, I set sail for a gap year in Amsterdam to be a live-in nanny. Then during college, I hosted house concerts and poetry evenings, where I fell in love with the art of hosting.

Throughout college, I found myself with many interests and felt determined to find a major which aligned with my heart for humanity and my creative nature–a course of study to lend me the sharpest lens through which to see the world (spoiler: I did not discover my perfect vocational match during my time at OSU, but I did walk away with a degree in comparative cultural studies, laying a solid foundation for future endeavors as a photographer/visual anthropologist.) Being invited into sacred spaces through photographic storytelling has fed my family and soul for the last 12 years. I met my husband at a game party on Valentine’s Day 2013 while wearing homemade, heart-shaped, pipe cleaner glasses a week before giving a talk about matchmaking at Pecha Kucha after two friends I introduced got married.

The last ten years are filled with memories and magic. We planned a wedding unique to us (waffle brunch Monday wedding), road-tripped across the country, bought our first house, raised chickens, and got adopted by a kind pup. Life has looked like lots of board games with friends, cooking adventures (can I use up all of my haphazard ingredients to make a last minute meal for the family? Yes, yes I can.), fostering 12 kids over the past five years, continuing to explore the world, adopting a teenager, hosting an exchange student, collaborating with lots of amazing small businesses, and documenting over a hundred weddings!

In the fall of 2022, some friends from high school attended a speed dating event, and I was intrigued. Through some questioning during a hang at the park, their takeaway was clear: it was less fun and inspiring than they were hoping. After we said our goodbyes, I was left with a thought I couldn’t shake:
I bet I could run it better.
And so my matchmaking journey started to unfold. I began by researching ideas on how to host matchmaking events with more soul and intention than the norm. Through my search, I ended up finding a school to become a certified Matchmaker and science-based relationship coach with the Global Love Institute. A few months later, I was seated amongst the most amazing matchmakers in the world at conferences in New York, La Jolla, and Mexico (I now call many of them friends & mentors and hope to make them proud).

When I started the process of becoming a matchmaker, I had a preconceived idea of what that would look like. The more insight I’ve gained, I know there is a wider spectrum of ways in which I can support folks on their journey to (re)entering and journeying through the world as a human looking for love. At first, I wanted to help people learn to engage off the apps; to be a lifeboat of sorts for humans burned out from trying to connect behind a screen. However, through my learning, I’ve also gained insight into helping people shine on the apps and how best to use these digital tools to their advantage. For some people, concierge matchmaking services are a perfect fit, and for others, it’s photography or coaching–helping people show up more fully themselves online and working through self-discovery and dating strategies. It’s not a one-size-fits-all offering; I am here to support and lovingly challenge each of my clients. I’m grounded and fiercely hopeful I can help people connect and grow together.
Ready to make dating a priority? I’m here to help.

This newsletter is for you, whether you’re looking for love or looking to help others find love.
This is where I start when looking for matches for clients. Put yourself on my radar.