Adam and I found ourselves hardcore friend-crushing when we read an inquiry for wedding photos from Katie and Brad, who painted a pretty compelling picture–farm lifestyle, old victorian home they’ve been renovating, and a family which had recently grown by a few baby lambs in the preceding weeks. The time span from receiving that first email to sitting around their table enjoying delicious cheese and homemade salsa and apple butter was only three days–probably the quickest we’d ever scheduled a meeting. We roadtripped up to Mt. Vernon (about an hour north of our house) and became enamored with their beautiful animals, lovely house, and kindred-spirit presence. Fast-forward less than a month, and we’re a few days away from our second farm dinner hosted by Katie and Brad, where they’ve graciously welcomed other friends of ours whom we thought would be a good fit! I’d say our crushing has turned into dating, and it’s going well. Looking forward to watching the seasons change and the flowers bloom at Old Slate Farm!

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Processed with VSCO with a6 presetWe ended the night with a little investigation of the bee hives. Our friend, Nicole, is pretty interested in keeping bees so Katie shared her bee-keeping experience and knowledge with us.




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